Award-winning design, copy & marketing
Parker, Colorado | +1-720.495.1368

Custom design.
Messaging that connects.
Content that persuades.
SEO hard–boiled in.

Results driven by data and analytics

Market and design that is based on human interaction

The Art & Science of Communication

Our proven storytelling techniques are based on the science of human interaction. Say more with less while still embracing your corporate voice. We tell your story in images and words to communicate with potential customers in a quick and easy manner. All of this on a custom designed platform where SEO is boiled into the fabric of your website, app, or marketing materials. We deliver results.

Impress Design & Marketing

Dominate Your Market Niche

Custom design.

Your business is unique. Your website should be, too. Cookie-cutter websites don't tell your story. They don't separate your business from the crowd. Our custom designs do that—and they deliver results.

Messaging that works.

Good messaging explains briefly your business and your products or services. Great messaging moves people emotionally. Science fact: all purchases are emotional decisions.

Content that engages.

There is a science and an art to writing great content that moves people to take action. We all read and react in similarly, especially when it comes to reading screens. We make it easy for people to engage with you.

SEO hardboiled in.

We have an eighty step system designed to set you apart from the crowd. SEO isn't just about keywords and great content. It's also about the underlying framework of your website—how it's built and how it runs.

Analytics-driven results.

Marketing your brand, services and products goes way beyond throwing up a page and seeing what happens. We measure, tweak and measure some more to build an experience that turns visitors into customers.

AI Prompt Engineers.

Everyone, regardless of company size or niche market, can use AI to become a leader in their market. We understand how to craft AI prompts and how to use AI to move our clients' business to new levels.

Shay Sabhiki, CognitiveScale
Customer testimonial      

Jack McDaniel has been a great resource to CognitiveScale. He has helped build out a new website, write content, and develop a management dashboard to help us track Marketing KPIs. He quickly understood our business and contributed to writing and editing content, which has always been a challenge for us given the complexity of our technology. Where many agencies need us to do all of the content development, Jack was able to dive right in and contribute to our new messaging, and then translate this to SEO, advertising, and a number of Marketing campaigns. And his work drove results that were very valuable to our Sales and management teams. Jack will be valuable to any technology company looking to take their website and Marketing tools to the next level.

Akshay (Shay) Sabhiki
Founder and COOCognitiveScale

CognitiveScale offices

About Us

Jack McDaniel - owner and founder
About us      

Jack McDaniel

Awards winning designBefore starting Impress Design & Marketing Jack spent several years as Director of Sales and Marketing for two apparel companies, managing all marketing campaigns, sales teams and customer service efforts. Over the years he has developed Award Winning websites, apps and traditional marketing materials for a wide range of clients, including: SmartSound, Sauza Tequila, Lead Today Society, IMG Group, International Jet Aviation and Victory Communications. He has won eight industry awards and helped scores companies grow and dominate their markets.

Ted Cekan

Ted Cekan

Ted is a code ninja. No, seriously. Name a language and he's used it / coded in it. He's also won a few awards as part of the SmartSound team.

Ted Cekan

Erin Moroni

Erin is funny. Seriously funny. Go read her blog and you'll see what we mean. She can write and tell stories and connect with your audience.

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Success Stories

VV Mixers

VV Mixers

VV Mixers had two things they needed to grow their business: a new website that spoke to their customers, and an app that would help them ru . . .
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New industries are difficult to navigate. Companies at the bleeding edge of the industry aren't just competing for business. They are trying . . .
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One of our best Success Stories is SmartSound. For ten-plus years we engineered their marketing efforts toward growth and industry leadershi . . .
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Why Do Business With Us      

Our Holistic Approach

We take a holistic approach to your marketing needs. Your visuals matter. But it’s your story—your copy—that converts. Humans orient to the world via stories—the stories we tell ourselves, the stories we tell others, and the stories others tell us. It’s in our DNA and your website needs to take advantage of it.

What we deliver for all clients:
  • SEO-intense framework (the underpinnings of your website)
  • Beautiful design with great visuals
  • Messaging that is effective
  • Great Content—Science based storytelling
  • Analytics to measure and adjust
  • Email Marketing: persona journeys
Holistic approach to marketing

Client Testimonials

JJim Piper - Lead Today Society

Jim Piper, Jr.

Lead Today Society, Founder & CEO

"I have worked with Jack for over 10 years now. He has always been nothing but professional. His design sense and knowledge of what gets results and impacts the business long-term is extraordinary. He is the first guy I recommend to anyone."

Jeffrey Eyestone - Healthcare AI Advisor

Jeffrey Eyestone

Healthcare AI Advisor, CognitiveScale

"Jack has helped CognitiveScale in a number of areas related to Marketing Engineering, from web design and SEO to MarComms and messaging. He learned our business and the language of AI, our platform and products, the industries we serve and more. His Marketing Engineering program helped us to align the people, tools and processes that would not only build out excellent MarComms, our web site, and various Marketing campaigns, but it also produced results against specific KPIs."

John Unruh - President, Warp Technologies

John Unruh

President, Warp Technologies

We contracted Jack to work full-time for us for several months. His work was excellent, the results great, and he worked well with our staff."

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