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VV Mixers

Ready-Mix Driver App    

VV MixersVV Mixers had two things they needed to grow their business: a new website that spoke to their customers, and an app that would help them run the business more efficiently. They managed a group of independent ready-mix drivers (about 100) in four states and serviced Ready-Mix plants who needed competent and reliable drivers.

The problem: How to grow the business without adding layers of employees and bureaucracy to the process?

VV Mixers Progressive web app

INDUSTRY: Ready-Mix Concrete Driver Broker
KEY STATS: Helped expand the business from 100 drivers to 300, and doubled the states where they have a presence
MESSAGING: Directed at Production managers in need of drivers and independent owner / operators looking for steady work

Kevin Hetzel - Owner VV Mixers

"Everything is possible when we ask for changes and updates to the app. And they always deliver. Our staff, drivers and customers love the app."

Kevin Hetzel
Owner VV Mixers

How we Helped VV Mixers

The first thing we did was build a website to attract 1) independent Ready-Mix drivers, and 2) recruit Ready-Mix plant managers as customers.

We then created an interactive app to allow VV Mixers to manage, automate and scale all parts of the business, from location managers, drivers and owners through ticketing, accounting and invoicing.

The app for owners and drivers is a PWA (Progressive Web App) that works like an application on their phones. The PWA stores data locally when the drivers are out of cell phone range, which, in the west, can be an issue around Native American lands.

App Specifications

  • Admin—manage, Locations, Owners / Drivers, Tickets, Alerts and Reporting
    The admin is live with up-to-date data and allows managers easy access even when traveling
  • Owners—manage Drivers and Trucks, service and planned downtime
  • Drivers—manage Driver certifications, licensing, insurance etc. Manage trucks, scheduled downtime
    Drivers fill out their own tickets (with confirmation from the location manager) and the system automatically tracks the process, including alerts and updates when necessary. They can manage all of this through their phones.
  • VV Mixers appTicketing—create new tickets in bulk (Location uploads), alerts, start / stop work notices and more
    Tickets are the life-blood of the business. The automated ticket system has allowed VV Mixers to add drivers and locations without having to add a lot of employees.
  • Companies / Locations—allows admin to add / delete and update information
    Reports give an overview of the business with each location
  • Quickbooks Integration—The entire process is integrated into Quickbooks. (Required since VV Mixers creates more than 1,200 tickets per week.)
    When a ticket is accepted by the driver a Purchase Order is created in Quickbooks. When the job is marked complete by the driver (sign-off from Location manager) the purchase order is completed and then an invoice goes out automatically and the full system is updated.
  • Reporting—customizable reporting with insights into the business. Reports for Drivers, Owners and Locations, as well


VV Mixers is an ongoing exercise for Impress Design & Marketing. New features and reporting get added as more companies and drivers use the app and interact with it. Since we began working with them, VV Mixers has tripled its number of drivers and added more states where its services are offered. They now produce more than 1,200 driver / job tickets per week, all of it automated from the time the ticket is created until the invoice is generated through Quickbooks.

Ready to talk?



Kevin Hetzel
Customer testimonial      

Impress Design & Marketing has had a huge impact on our business. We've grown from 100 drivers to 300, and doubled the states we operate in. The app they built (and continue to update for us) has allowed us to grow without a lot of hassle and new employees. By automating all of our processes—from driver job tickets to accounting—we've smoothly transitioned into a larger business without the growth pains. Communication between my team and Impress Design's team is fantastic; they are always available and responsive. Jack made it a priority to really know our business and understands intuitively when we present an update. Even better, everything is possible when we ask for changes and updates to the app, we have never been told "no, we can't do that"; they always deliver. Our staff, drivers and customers love the app.

Kevin Hetzel
OwnerVV Mixers
VV Mixers

VV Mixers Ready-mix truckss

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